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List of Questions
- Does God really love a sinner such as me?
- Can I be assured of God's mercy and deep love for me?
- Does God really care about me?
- Is the Lord my Shepherd?
- Did Jesus die for my sins?
- What has Jesus done for me personally?
- Did Jesus sacrifice Himself completely for me?
- Did Jesus really suffer greatly because of my sins?
- Is God's powerful saving grace offered to me?
- What will God's grace do for me?
- Is it because of God's free gift of grace that I am able to be saved eternally?
- Has God chosen all, and predestined all to be saved?
- Can salvation be obtained any other way than through Jesus?
- Does God really want me, and is He calling me?
- What is God's invitation to me?
- What is sin?
- What are the consequences and penalty for sin?
- How serious is the sin problem in my own life?
- What is my condition and destiny if I do not accept Jesus?
- Will there ever be a better time than now to turn to God?
- What is the danger of procrastinating in making the decision to give my heart to God?
- Does God's grace teach me to turn from ungodliness and sin?
- Does God want me to turn away from my sins, and repent?
- How am I to repent of my sins?
- What are some examples of prayers of repentance in the Bible?
- To claim God's promise of forgiveness, what must I do?
- How will unconfessed sin affect my quality of life?
- What is the heart attitude that I must have as I confess my sins before God?
- Does the Bible make it clear that God wants my whole heart?
- Is a double minded, half hearted commitment pleasing to God?
- Does God promise to forgive me when I repent?
- What does God say He will do with my sins when I make confession to Him?
- How completely does God cleanse me from my sins?
- How important is it for me to know Jesus, my Lord, personally?
- It is necessary for me to be born again?
- Is God willing to give me the conversion experience, which is the new birth?
- Is God offering me a new heart, so that I am a completely changed person?
- How will I know that I have been born again, or converted?
- Does self need to die, so that Christ can live in me?
- What happens to the “old” me when I am converted, and become a new person?
- What does it really mean to be in Christ?
- Do I have any righteousness of my own to offer to God?
- Is God's righteousness truly the antidote for my sinfulness?
- How can I be sure that God will hear my prayers?
- When I ask God for something, if it is according to His will, and if I am pleasing Him by my life, will I receive it?
- Is it important that my prayers be earnest, fervent and sincere?
- Should my prayer life keep me continually connected to God?
- When I have my daily prayer time with God, does the Bible encourage me to reverently kneel?
- What is faith?
- Is faith the divine ability to grasp invisible spiritual realities?
- Are faith, trust and belief very important in my relationship with God?
- Do I need to trust in God?
- Is God worthy of my absolute trust?
- How can I have the faith of Jesus?
- Does believing in Jesus Christ, and what He has done, connect me with God?
- Is faith closely connected with love?
- How powerful is faith, and what can it accomplish?
- Is it possible to lose faith?
- Will God help me to be strong in faith, so that I shun doubt and unbelief?
- If I truly follow Christ, does He give me assurance of salvation?
- How can I have the assurance that I am truly a child of God?
- When we accept Christ, does God adopt us as His children?
- If I truly love God, will He work things out for my best good and ultimate happiness?
- Will God take care of me, and provide for my needs?
- What wonderful things is God waiting to do for me when I call upon Him?
- What is God's glory, His character like, and how can I be like Him?
- What spiritual fruit will be evident in my life if I am a true Christian?
- What spiritual Armor must I put on to be safe from the enemy?
- As a Christian, is it my privilege and duty to walk in the Light?
- Will Jesus sanctify me, setting me apart for His holy use, if I depend fully on Him?
- Since I am incapable of doing God's will on my own, will God work in me to do His will?
- Will a close connection with Jesus empower me to love and obey Him?
- How can I keep from falling into temptation?
- Does God promise to deliver us from temptation?
- Has God promised to give me victory over sin?
- Does God promise me power to overcome?
- If I stay close to God, am I assured of victory over the enemy?
- Does God promise to strengthen me?
- What does it mean to totally surrender, or yield myself to God?
- How close and intimately does God want me to be connected to Him?
- What does the Word say that God is able to do for me?
- Why has God given the Bible to me?
- What will the Word of God do for me if I will study it?
- Will the study of the Word change and transform my thoughts?
- As I learn about God through His Word, will I grow in grace, knowledge and good works?
- Is there truly creative power in the Word of God, that can change my heart and give me eternal life?
- How much should I treasure the Word?
- How valuable are God's promises to me, and how earnestly should I believe them?
- How enduring is the Word of God compared to this world?
- Does God want me to keep His Word in my memory, to keep me from sin?
- How important is it to God that I believe and accept His truth?
- Does the light of God's truth that shines from His Word get brighter as I learn and grow?
- Why is there so much error being taught, and why do people twist the scriptures?
- Can I trust in the wisdom of other humans?
- Can I safely depend on my own wisdom and understanding?
- Since I can't trust in man's wisdom, can I trust God's wisdom?
- How can I receive God's wisdom?
- Is truth absolute (God defined) or relative, (human opinion)
- Where can I find truth?
- Does God promise to guide me into truth if I am willing?
- Has God promised to guide me in the way He wants me to go?
- What are the benefits of accepting and obeying the truth?
- Is truth powerful enough to protect me from error and evil?
- Do many people reject truth?
- Is it dangerous to reject truth?
- Is resisting God and rebelling against Him something that many people do?
- Instead of resisting God, what are we to resist and turn away from?
- How important is it to confess Christ?
- How serious is it to deny Christ?
- Is it important to be immersed under the water in baptism?
- Is baptism important for a Christian?
- What does baptism symbolize?
- Is it important for me to meet together with Christians for fellowship?
- Has Jesus given each one of His followers a spiritual gift?
- What is the gospel?
- What will the gospel accomplish?
- How many are to hear the gospel?
- What are the consequences of not obeying the gospel?
- How important is it for us to share our testimony of the goodness of God to others?
- What great commission has Jesus given to every one of His followers?
- Does Jesus want me to be a soul winner for His kingdom?
- Is God able to do anything and everything?
- Is God all powerful, all knowing, ever present, ever watchful.
- Is God reliable and unchangeable in His attitude toward us?
- The three divine persons of the Godhead are found in which verses?
- Is Jesus divine, possessing the attributes of the Godhead?
- Does our Creator God includes the 3 persons of the Godhead, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit?
- Is Jesus, as our Creator, God?
- Did Jesus take on sinful human nature?
- Does the sinlessness of Jesus give me hope?
- What example did Jesus give to show how He surrendered His will to His Father?
- Is Jesus my perfect example, showing me how to depend on God?
- How can I receive the Holy Spirit?
- Do I need the wisdom of the Holy Spirit?
- How does the Holy Spirit work for our salvation?
- Does God want us to Fear Him, meaning to have reverential obedience, and veneration?
- What does it mean to worship God in the “beauty of holiness.”
- What will people be like in the last days?
- What are the signs of Christ's coming?
- Will the second coming be silent and secret, or will it be noisy?
- Will the second coming of Christ be invisible or visible?
- Does the Bible teach that there is only one appearing or coming of the Lord to receive the saints?
- Does our Lord bring His reward with Him when He comes?
- Are there separate resurrections for the righteous and the wicked?
- What is the inheritance of saints?
- Where is the reward of the righteous?
- What are some of the things that are found in heaven?
- What will be done away with in eternity?
- What will the new earth be like?
- How sure and how real are the eternal rewards promised to us?
- Will there be no more sickness, sin, handicaps, painful memories in heaven?
- Is eternal life something that I can count on if I love God with all my heart?
- Will heaven be worth it?
- Will heaven be even better than we imagine?
- Does God's plan of Salvation include restoration to the Tree of Life to God's faithful followers?
- How can I have a foretaste of the Tree of Life now?
- Whose names are written in the Book of Life?
- Whose names are not written in the Book of Life?
- What will be the condition of the earth during the thousand year millennium?
- After Jesus comes to raise the righteous dead and take all the righteous to heaven, will there be 1000 years until the resurrection of the wicked?
- At some point, will everyone bow before God, admitting that He was fair and just?
- For those who choose to cling to sin, what are the results?
- What are some of the sins that will cause sinners who have not received cleansing to be forever lost?
- What horrible experience do I need to make sure that I never have?
- For those who persist in rebellion against God, will it be a painful, strange act for Him to let them go and be lost forever?
- Are the wicked immortal?
- Are the wicked are eternally destroyed, instead of eternal destroying?
- How complete will be the destruction of the wicked?
- Will the devil and the evil angels, who rebelled against God, be destroyed forever?
- Am I willing to be sealed by the Holy Spirit in my forehead, or mind, so that I am ready for eternity?
- Have I firmly decided that I want to be one of the few, and not go along with the crowd?
- Am I seeking for purity and holiness, which are required to see God?
- Does Jesus want me to be ready for His soon coming?
- How can I prepare for the end of the world?
- Should I be willing to die rather than to dishonor God?
- How does the Bible declare that our world came into existence?
- What three specific things has God created that makes Him worthy of our worship?
- What holy day is closely connected with act of creation, declared to be holy by the Creator of the heaven, the earth and the sea?
- Who is called to worship God, as the Creator of heaven, earth and sea?
- How long will God's creatures continue to worship God as the Creator?
- According to God's Word, am I Blessed?
- What does God delight in?
- What does God want me to delight in?
- What function does God's law have in showing me my sin?
- To whom does God say He will show mercy?
- Will God truly enable me to obey Him, and keep His commandments?
- Does God want me to value His law, the 10 commandments, more than riches?
- Does the Bible reveal that many have a strong hatred for the law of God?
- How do I know if I truly love God?
- Will the love of Jesus in my heart enable me to keep His commandments?
- Did God write the 10 commandments with His own finger, and give them to His children?
- Is Israel today only those with Jewish bloodlines, or is it all who truly worship God?
- Who did God make the new covenant with?
- What is the covenant that God makes with Israel?
- Does God promise to keep His covenant with His people?
- Since the old covenant no longer exists, if we are partakers of the new covenant, then whose heritage is ours?
- Can the 10 commandment law of God, written on stone, save me, or am I saved by Christ's law keeping, written in my heart?
- Did Jesus fulfill the law, as He declared that He came to do? What does fulfil mean?
- Is “finished” and “fulfilled the same? In other words, Did Jesus say all was fulfilled at the cross, or will it be said at the very end?
- Does the new commandment of the new covenant do away with the 10 commandments, which also were based on love?
- Is it important for new covenant Christians to keep God's 10 commandments?
- Will we find freedom from sin as we abide in God's law of truth and liberty?
- What is the First Great commandment, upon which the first 4 of the 10 commandments are based?
- What is the Second Great Commandment, upon which the last 6 of the 10 commandments are based?
- What is the First Commandment of the 10 Commandments?
- What is the Second Commandment of the 10 Commandments?
- What is the Third Commandment of the 10 Commandments?
- What is the Fourth Commandment of the 10 Commandments?
- What is the Fifth Commandment of the 10 Commandments?
- What is the Sixth Commandment of the 10 commandments?
- What is the Seventh Commandment of the 10 Commandments?
- What is the Eighth Commandment of the 10 Commandments?
- What is the Ninth Commandment of the 10 Commandments?
- What is the Tenth Commandment of the 10 Commandments?
- Was the seventh-day Sabbath given to the Jews only, or to man, as in everyone?
- Did Jesus and His disciples keep the Sabbath, both before and after the cross?
- What was done away with at the cross?
- Did the sacrificial ordinances from the ceremonial law end at the cross?
- When did the resurrection of Jesus occur?
- Which verses of the Bible are sometimes used to show that Sunday is a holy day?
- What is one of the greatest abominations that God hates?
- Since sun worship is a great abomination, how will this enter into the prophecies of the last days?
- Have we been warned about false leaders?
- Do I need to be careful not to follow men's commandments and doctrines?
- Are we warned of false prophets, and their power to deceive?
- Can a false prophet's prophecies sometimes come to pass?
- What religious head came to world-wide power, as the antichrist after the restraining power “he who now letteth” (Caesar) was taken out of the way?
- Has God revealed to us who the beast is, so that we can avoid the “Mark of beast”?
- What prophecies were given about the Messiah in the Old Testament, and how can they increase my faith?
- What Old Testament prophecies showed that the Messiah would suffer and pay the penalty for our sins?
- Are the prophecies of the Bible trustworthy?
- What is the purpose of prophecy?
- How can we tell if a prophet is a true prophet?
- Has God ever chosen women to be His prophetesses?
- Does the Bible tell us that God will revive the Spirit of Prophecy in the last days?
- What does the Bible teach about angels?
- What do holy angels do for me?
- How will the angels be involved in the second coming?
- What was Satan's original problem?
- Is Satan a liar and deceiver, and the originator of sin?
- What does Satan, the liar, promise us?
- Does Satan try to put us in bondage to sin?
- Are there evil spirits, and what bad things do they do?
- Does the Bible warn us against communicating with familiar spirits who pretend to be the dead?
- What does the Bible say about witches or wizards, astrology and magic?
- What are some more forbidden practices involving spiritualism and sorcery?
- Is man mortal?
- Is God alone immortal?
- What happens to us when we die?
- Did Jesus call death sleep?
- Where else does the Bible liken death to sleep?
- Should we be afraid of death if we are right with God?
- Does the Bible teach that the human spirit has no personal cognitive activity apart from the body?
- What are the main texts people use to try to show that the dead go to heaven or hell immediately when they die?
- Are there 2 separate resurrections-one for the righteous, and one for the wicked?
- When did Jesus teach that the righteous would be raised from the dead?
The Lord is Our Judge and Defense Attorney
- Does God make it very clear that only those who do His will, His word, and His law will be saved?
- If I accept God's mercy, will He deal with me according to my works, either good or bad?
- While I cannot be saved by my works, does the Bible say that I will be judged according to my works?
- Is there an investigative phase of judgment that must take place before the second coming, to determine whose names are retained in the Book of Life?
- Does the Bible teach that there is a day of judgment, and that we must give account to God?
- Are the wicked going to face a final judgment before they are punished for their sins?
- What was the purpose of the earthly sanctuary?
- What special location in the sanctuary is God's presence manifested?
- What was in the ark of the covenant that was under the mercy seat?
- Where is the throne and dwelling place of God?
- Is God's throne moveable, so that it could move from the Holy Place to the Most Holy Place in the heavenly sanctuary?
- Where is Jesus now?
- Did the prophets know where Jesus went after His resurrection?
- What is Jesus doing now?
- Is Jesus my High Priest?
- What special work is Jesus doing, as our Intercessor?
- Do Christians have good reason to rejoice with abundant hope?
- Can hope in God lift me out of discouragement and depression?
- Will songs of praise to God bring me joy and encouragement?
- Does God want me to have a thankful heart?
- Should I keep in mind all the wonderful things God has done for me?
- Should I praise the Lord?
- Will God help me to learn to be contented with my circumstances?
- Is complaining and murmuring displeasing to God?
- How can I have peace in my heart?
- Does worry and fear show that I have a lack of faith in God?
- How can trusting in God keep me from being fearful?
- What promises has God given me that He will protect me?
- What promises has God given for the time of trouble?
- Does God chasten, or discipline me, as His child?
- Does God promise to comfort me in my afflictions and trials?
- Does the Bible say that trials purify us, to make us righteous?
- Should Christians expect persecution and tribulation?
- Can the trials that God allows in my life be for my good?
- Is it a privilege to suffer for Christ's sake, to endure persecution?
- What specific promises has God given to me when I am in trouble and tribulation?
- Will God give me strength to rejoice in suffering and persecution?
Learning What Pleases God
- How does God want me to react when persecuted?
- Is getting angry with others very displeasing to the Lord?
- Will God give me the strength to overcome anger toward others?
- Does God want me to treat my enemies with kindness, and be at peace with them?
- What example did Jesus give of forgiveness?
- Is evil speaking about others contrary to God's will?
- What is the “Golden Rule”?
- What will God's love look like?
- Since God loves me so much, how much should I love others?
- How strongly has Jesus urged me to love others?
- What will God's love accomplish in my heart?
- Does God want me to be kind, loving and accepting to all humans?
- Does God does want me to accept all equally, with no prejudice of race or status in life?
- Does God want me to help the poor?
- Does God want me to help the less fortunate and disabled?
- How does God want me to shine for Him?
- Will God be glorified through my good works?
- Does God want me to be involved in doing good things?
- What godly attitudes did Jesus say will bring happiness and blessings.
- What does God want me to think about?
- Are my thoughts the thoughts of wickedness or righteousness?
- How can I have righteous and holy thoughts?
- Do I find my happiness and joy in God's presence, and in doing His will?
- Do I need to guard myself against the sin of hypocrisy?
- Do I treasure honesty and truthfulness?
- Does God value diligence and dependability in my work?
- Am I striving to be of one mind with those who love God?
- Am I willing to be a peacemaker?
- Is pride something I need to guard against?
- Does God want me to be humble and meek?
- Does God want me to shun vanity and display in my appearance, so that I am adorned with His humility instead?
- Is it very important for me to put God as my top priority?
- Is there danger in the seeking the pleasures of this world, which would lessen my love for God?
- What strong warnings are found in the Bible about loving this world?
- Does Jesus want me to detach myself from worldly principles?
- Does God want me to value righteousness higher than earthly wealth?
- Does the Bible warn me about the snares of riches?
- Can the deceitfulness of riches and cares of this life be a hindrance to my relationship with God?
- Where is my treasure, and where is my heart?
- Does God want me to give unselfishly and cheerfully?
- Does the Bible teach that God wants us to return a tenth, or tithe of our increase back to Him?
- Does the Bible give counsel on marriage?
- How deeply are husbands and wives to love each other?
- Is divorce displeasing to God, and should it be avoided?
- Has God warned me to turn away from the lusts of the flesh, which are ungodly sensual desires?
- Does the Bible clearly teach me to flee from sexual impurity, even in my thoughts?
- Since God requires sexual purity, will He give me power to keep my thoughts pure?
- What does the Bible say about same-sex physical intimacy?
- What does the Bible tell us about disciplining and training children?
- How important is it for us to train our children in the ways of the Lord?
- Does God care about unborn babies?
- Is it important to God how I treat my body?
- Should I practice temperance, which is avoiding excess or harmful substances?
- Does God care about my health?
- Is gluttony and indulged appetite displeasing to God?
- Do alcoholic beverages enfeeble the mind and body?
- Should I ask God to search my heart, and help me to know my motives?
- Does God want me to examine my own heart?
- Is it possible for me to warp and defile my conscience?
- Is it important to keep my conscience clear, free from hidden guilt?
- Do I tend to make excuses for not obeying God, when there really is no excuse?
- Do I need to continue to stay close to Jesus until the end?
- Does God place a conditional “if” on His promises to me?
- What has God told me about my need to persevere, enduring patiently?
- If I believe in Jesus for a while, but later give up my faith, what happens?
- If I fall away from Christ, and return to a life of sin, what is the result?
- If I return to sinful behavior, what will be the consequences?
- If I neglect or reject the provisions of salvation, even after I accepted them, what is the result?
- Does God give me the opportunity to chose life?
- Does God want to provide a daily spiritual feast for me?
- Is my commitment to Jesus a daily matter, so that day by day I am choosing God over self?
- Is Jesus my only source of life?
INDEX
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